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Early Years

The intention of our Early Years curriculum is to teach key knowledge which will help to develop fundamental skills across the seven areas of the development and beyond. 

We provide a rich and stimulating play-based curriculum, following the EYFS Framework and using supporting documents such as Birth to 5 Matters and Development Matters.

The 3 prime areas for the EYFS (Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development and Communication and Language Development) form the foundations of our teaching. We endeavour to ensure children are secure in these areas whilst simultaneously working through the specific areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage to ensure full coverage by the end of their Reception year.


EYFS Policy

Component Parts - Nursery

Component Parts - Reception

 Planning Overview in Early Years

 Nursery - Long-Term Planning - 2024-25

Reception - Long-Term Planning - 2024-25

Little Wandle Planning Progression - Reception

 Please see our Foundational Knowledge and Opportunities and Experiences documents

Communication & Language - Foundational Knowledge

Literacy - Foundational Knowledge 

Understanding the World - History - Foundational Knowledge and Experiences

Understanding the World - Science - Foundational Knowledge and Experiences

Expressive Arts and Design - Being Imaginative - Foundational Knowledge and ExperiencesExpressive Arts and Design - Art & DT - Foundational Knowledge and Experiences


Some useful information and links for parents

Little Wandle Phase 2 Pure Sounds

Little Wandle Phase 3 Pure Sounds

Numberblocks Maths Episodes

"The Power of Play"

Learning Conversations and Story Telling

Oral Health and Hygiene

Guidance with Sleep Problems with Children