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Attendance and Punctuality at St Alphege Schools

A heartfelt appreciation to all our St Alphege families who understand the significance of attendance and punctuality. Your commitment to ensuring your child arrives on time is genuinely appreciated, setting the stage for optimal learning experiences. Our doors open every weekday from 8:00 am, with school officially commencing at 8:45 am. This academic year, we are setting our sights high, aiming for excellence in attendance!

Our Attendance Goal 97%

At St Alphege School, we believe that every child has the right to attend school daily. Regular attendance is a vital component of a child's educational and emotional development. As part of the St Alphege School community, each of us plays a crucial role in ensuring that all children attend regularly.

Why Attendance Matters

We aspire to have the best attendance record, creating an environment where our children can maximize their learning potential. This is achieved through:

Parent/Carer Responsibilities:

  • Ensuring your child attends school regularly and punctually.
  • Informing the school, preferably between 8:30 am and 8:45 am, on the first day of your child's absence.
  • Keeping in contact with the school if challenging home circumstances require support.
  • Avoiding holidays during term time, as these will be unauthorised and may incur a penalty notice.
  • Providing the school with three current emergency contact names and numbers that your child knows.
  • Scheduling medical and dental appointments outside school hours whenever possible.
  • Cooperating with the school in our joint aim to improve attendance.

School’s Responsibilities:

  • Informing parents of their responsibilities for maintaining regular attendance.
  • Regularly updating parents on their child's attendance using the traffic light system.
    • 97-100% - Good - Outstanding - GREEN LIGHT
    • 93-96.9% - Satisfactory - AMBER LIGHT
    • 92.9% and below - Unsatisfactory - RED LIGHT
  • Supporting families in difficulties or crisis, referring them to the school's Attendance Team or Education Welfare Officer when necessary.
  • Actively seeking Court Prosecution as a last resort.
  • Valuing and rewarding good attendance through certificates, praise in assembly, rewards, and class attendance treats.
  • Informing parents if a child is regularly late, inviting them to discuss the concern with the Children and Families Champion/Deputy Headteacher/Headteacher.


Letters and Support

To elevate standards, letters will be sent from the school's Attendance Team and Education Welfare Services if any concerns arise. Research indicates that when schools and families collaborate closely, a child's likelihood of success significantly increases. Let us continue working together to ensure our St Alphege students thrive academically and emotionally.