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School Uniform

We take great pride in maintaining a smart and consistent school uniform at St Alphege CE. Schools.

Our school uniform not only contributes to a sense of pride and identity but also fosters a positive and focused atmosphere conducive to learning. Below, you will find detailed information about our school uniform guidelines:

School Uniform 2023 - 2024

Ordering Uniform:

School uniform items with the school logo can be purchased from our recommended supplier:

The uniforms can be ordered from Monkhouse from the 2nd August.

The Friends of St Alphege collect and sell second-hand uniform. For more information, please do contact the Friends via their Facebook page or through either school office.



Wearing the Uniform with Pride

We encourage all students to wear the school uniform with pride, representing our values both inside and outside the school premises. Please ensure that all items of clothing are labeled with your child's name to avoid loss.

Uniform Policy

Our school uniform policy is designed to promote a sense of equality and unity among students. We kindly ask parents and guardians to adhere to these guidelines, ensuring that the uniform is worn correctly and consistently.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or require further information about the school uniform, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

Thank you for your cooperation in maintaining the high standards of our school uniform. By doing so, we contribute to the positive and focused learning environment at St Alphege CE Schools.