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Schools of St Alphege

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Curriculum Subjects

Our curriculum has been designed by the staff of the Schools of St Alphege to provide a bespoke, unique and exciting learning experience which, through the nurturing of curiosity, aims for our pupils to develop into articulate learners with high aspirations.

Within our broad and balanced approach, we place an important emphasis on developing resilience and perseverance and promoting wellbeing and health, with reading as the key to everything that we do.

Our ‘knowledge-engaged’ approach to subject disciplines, provides opportunities to build upon both knowledge and skills. Subjects are discretely taught (using Development Matters and the National Curriculum as a basis and enhanced by carefully selected pedagogical research) and focussed upon progressively developing pupils’ knowledge, skills and ‘vital vocabulary’; attributes which our pupils can then take on through every step of their academic journey.

All subjects are centrally driven by our Christian vision, which permeate throughout everything that we do. As a staff body, we are working to establish key promises that are implemented through the delivery of our vision within our curriculum. We call these our Rainbow pledges. Each pledge has a religious foundation, with a carefully considered message from the Bible that promotes our Christian distinctiveness. With all seven pledges woven throughout all subject disciplines, each year group then has a poignant focus pledge, that they explore in depth throughout the year. These interlinked pledge, based on developing both character and spirituality, ensure that the pupils of the schools of St Alphege accrue the attributes necessary for a happy and successful future based on faith, hope and love in all that they do.

Art and Design (Learning - Curriculum Subjects menu tab)

Computing  (Learning - Curriculum Subjects menu tab)

Design & Technology (Learning - Curriculum Subjects menu tab)

Early Years (Learning - Curriculum Subjects menu tab)

English (Learning - Curriculum Subjects menu tab)

Geography (Learning - Curriculum Subjects menu tab)

History (Learning - Curriculum Subjects menu tab)

Maths (Learning - Curriculum Subjects menu tab)

Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) (Learning - Curriculum Subjects menu tab)

Music (Learning - Curriculum Subjects menu tab)

Phonics and Early Reading (Learning - Curriculum Subjects menu tab)

PE (Learning - Curriculum Subjects menu tab)

PSHCE (Learning - Curriculum Subjects menu tab)

RE (Learning - Curriculum Subjects menu tab)

Science (Learning - Curriculum Subjects menu tab)